Author: Tara Chevrestt
Hosted by: Tasty Book Tours
Crystal is
an enlisted mechanic with a tragic past. Grant is an officer and a pilot with a
broken heart. When faced with a difficult decision, will Crystal choose wisely
or lose the best thing that ever happened to her?
The love
between them burns hot, but their relationship won't stay fueled if they can't
beat the obstacles in their way. Besides breaking the fraternization rules,
Grant and Crystal have the difference of race between them…but can they prove
to the rest of the world, and to each other, that love is color blind?
is about overcoming one's past, not judging others, learning to forgive, and
what it's like to be a woman in a "man's world".
called about a leak?" Crystal wasn't surprised to find Grant, looking
immaculate in his flight uniform, leaning against the fuselage of his Falcon.
She peered up at him from under her cap, trying to look coy, but knowing she
failed miserably. She was still shaking from her encounter with Swenson. She
heard her tools rattling in her tool bag.
The smile
on Grant's face that had greeted her faded. "What's wrong?" He
reached out a hand and touched her shoulder. His casual stance tensed, his body
looking ready to battle any and all of her demons.
took a deep breath. "I'm okay. Just those problems at work I didn't want
to talk about." She turned away from him, not wanting him to see the tears
that filled her eyes. "Where's that leak? Which wing?" She dropped
her bag onto the tarmac, lowered herself to her knees, and began removing
fasteners of different sizes. "What size is it?" She kept her head
down, avoiding his probing eyes.
only leak is in my heart. It doesn't need a fastener, only for you to
smile." Grant's soft voice rolled over her as he crouched down beside her.
The smell of his cologne tickled her nostrils, bringing to mind memories of
their wonderful weekend together. His kindness was her undoing. Much to her
embarrassment, she began to cry. Tears fell into her canvas bag, wetting the
tools of her trade.
Grant was
on his knees beside her now, and he kept a lookout as he put his arms around
her and let her sob, offering her shelter and comfort. He made soothing sounds,
held her tight, and waited.
safer and reeling from all her conflicting emotions, Crystal finally began to
talk. In a tearful voice wracked by an occasional sob, she told Grant about
that morning, about the declined promotions, about how she dreaded walking into
her shop every day. It felt as though a leak was fixed in her own heart, no
fastener or sealing required, just the love and strength of a caring man. If
only all of her problems could be solved like this...
When she
had told him everything, she sat back on her heels and waited, wary at the
clouds of anger on Grant's face. He stared at her intently. "You need to
go to EEO." He reached out and brushed a tear off of Crystal's face.
"No one, no woman or man, is supposed to put up with discrimination or
harassment over what they are. The military has a zero-tolerance policy. I've
been there, Crystal, and I know you can fight it. We all deserve to be treated
afraid," Crystal whispered. "Who will believe me?"
believe you." Footsteps sounded behind him, and Grant straightened and
stood next to the jet wing, blocking Crystal's tear-stained face from view. She
heard him quietly conversing with someone. When she saw the military boots walk
away, she waited for Grant's face to appear below the jet again. He held out a
hand to her.
have to do a practice CAP." He pulled her to her feet, grabbing her bag
with his other hand.
She nodded,
stood on shaky legs, and brushed off her coveralls. "Are you sure there
isn't a leak I need to fix before you go? Combat Air Patrol maneuvers are no
light thing. Was that really a fake call? Is your jet fueled?" Her words
came out in a rush of nervousness. Her fiasco from the morning was forgotten in
light of her sudden, new concern. She didn't want to watch him fly. Her
feelings for him were growing too strong. A picture of her dad came to her
mind. "I think I'll be going now. I can't watch you fly now that I...that
I..." Her voice trailed off. She didn't dare say it. Didn't dare say the
"L" word or that she cared for him deeply. It was too soon.
placed his hands on her shoulders, preventing her from leaving. His voice was
deep and serious. "Fake call. I just wanted to see you. Don't worry. I
know what I'm doing." He gave her a reassuring squeeze. "With me at
the controls and you as its mechanic, this jet will perform wonders in the sky.
We make a good team—in more ways than one”
I rated Afterburn with THREE LEAVES. The book itself was too short and not enough in depth. I felt like I was rushed through the main points of the book to where they weren't believable.The main character, Crystal, has a few defining moments in her life that truly shape who she is. I didn't feel like we got to know enough about these moments. It would help me, as a reader, to know more about big moments in her past so I could understand her character. I felt like the explanation of these moments were very short. Grant is the male lead in the story and is way HOT! I loved hearing about his flying stories. I would also have like to know a bit more about Grant's life story and background.
I did enjoy and agree with the life lessons that are taught in Afterburn.
This story is about not judging a book by it's cover. It shows that
although there are still people who are uneducated, ignorant and who
have prejudices towards other people, you should always give everyone a
fair chance in life no matter their race, religion, or beliefs.

Chevrestt is a deaf woman, former aviation mechanic, writer, and an editor. She
is most passionate about planes, motorcycles, dogs, and above all, reading.
That led to her love of writing. Between her writing and her editing, which
allows her to be home with her little canine kids, she believes she has the
greatest job in the world. She is very happily married.
Her theme is Strong is
Sexy. She shares a website with her naughty pen name.
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