Sunday, July 14, 2013

1,000 Likes Giveaway

Thank you to all of the authors for donating these awesome prizes!
~*Please Read*~
It has been brought to our attention that as a participant you may be experiencing trouble when "liking" or "following" pages on Facebook and Twitter.
In some cases, FALLowers have been locked out of their accounts for too much activity.
Our suggestion is to "like" or "follow" 10-15 authors a day and repeat this step each day of the giveaway until you have completed your entries.
Falling In Fall does not require mandatory entries to enter a giveaway, and the rafflecopters are always scheduled to stay open anywhere from a couple of days to a few weeks.
By taking these two steps, we hope you will be able to enter as many entries as allowed.


  1. If anyone follows all these ppl on twitter at once we will get banned for "aggressive following". This recently happened to me from one of these giveaways. Please stop asking for mass twitter follows from fans in exchange for prizes. We want to follow all of these awesome ppl, but it sometimes takes days to get unbanned...and in the meantime...our "follows" will NOT show up, thus messing up one of the reasons for the follows in the first place. Not trying to be a debbie-downer, but thought you should know this was happening. Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. Thank you for letting us know this is happening. Falling In Fall giveaways do not require mandatory posts in order to enter. This gives everyone a chance to enter the majority of the entries. This giveaway will end on the 21st. Hopefully, this will give everyone a chance to follow 10+ authors a day and still be able to receive every entry.

      Best wishes,

      The Fallers
